
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Skittles Wednesdays: I See You

Hello lovelies!

Hope you're doing well and that you're staying safe in this cold weather. It's supposed to be warming up here but 20 degrees still isn't really my cup of tea. I'm thinking a Netflix day in bed is my plan, who knows haha. I keep making plans for myself and then end up not following through with them, typical. 

Anyways, onto today's nails!
nails, nail art, nail polish, skittles, nail skittles, eye, eye nail art, studs, hey darling polish

The nail(s) have/has eye(s)! Hehe (lame joke, my apologies haha)

More after the jump:

nails, nail art, nail polish, skittles, nail skittles, eye, eye nail art, studs, hey darling polish

Here's what I used:

I have absolutely no idea what to say about these nails other than the fact that they're funky and I loved them haha. I've been seeing the painted eye around on pinterest and instagram for a while now, but once I saw The Lacquerologist paint one (here), I wanted to do one too haha! I like the studs on these nails too even if I had some issues with bubbling topcoat.

nails, nail art, nail polish, skittles, nail skittles, eye, eye nail art, studs, hey darling polish

Have you ever had those moments where you just want to paint something on your nails for no reason and at the time it seems like the best idea ever, but then when you look back at it. You have no idea what you were thinking? It happens a lot to me if you've been reading the blog for a while haha!

nails, nail art, nail polish, skittles, nail skittles, eye, eye nail art, studs, hey darling polish

Here's a random thought too, I love these Pomegranate Lacquer bottles! I know they don't hold as much as some other indies (14.5mL versus 15mL) but they're so elegant looking! Luckily for me I bought all of mine during a sale and only paid $4 per polish (: SCORE!

Today's song:
Neon Trees - Animal

Thanks for reading guys and sorry if this post was just full of random ramblings (something I'm great at), nothing is really coming to me in the writing department at the moment. Meh.

-Marisa! (:


  1. It's creepyish... But today's song is great, I love that one!

  2. For some reason these remind me of monsters inc, I'm watching you wazowski always watching!

    1. Oh man, yes!! I love it! I want to go watch that movie now :D

  3. These look awesome! I love the eye, especially with that Royal Brat... maybe because it reminds me of Monsters Inc? Or maybe just because it looks amazing :)

    1. Thank you!! Haha maybe I should just do some Monsters Inc nails!!
