
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tri-Polish Challenge: Geometrics

Hello lovelies!

Today is the last day of this month's Tri-Polish Challenge colors and I'm honestly really upset. There are so many amazing combinations and designs that can be done with blue, green, and purple! Not to mention, they're my 3 favorite nail polish colors.

Anyways, let's get into the nails!
nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, tri polish challenge, tpc, green, blue, purple, hey darling polish, glitter

I really really really love these nails! Gah, yay!

More after the jump:

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, tri polish challenge, tpc, green, blue, purple, hey darling polish, glitter

Here's what I used:

Now if these nails look familiar, it's because I've done this design before. Back for the Nail-Art-A-Go-Go challenge (here). The only difference beside the colors is that my squares are now triangles!

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, tri polish challenge, tpc, green, blue, purple, hey darling polish, glitter

Missy over at Gnarly Gnails (she created the Nail-Art-A-Go-Go challenge!) created another challenge that starts this upcoming April and it's all about untried polishes! (Here's more details). I don't have that many untrieds but I'm going to try and participate whenever I can fill a theme. Most of my untrieds are indies so this was a good start to getting through my pile! (And a little Doctor Who never hurt anyone (; ).

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, tri polish challenge, tpc, green, blue, purple, hey darling polish, glitter

This manicure was all done with hole reinforcements, tape, and a bunch of fast drying top coat! Easy enough! That wraps up this month's colors, next month's seem okay. We'll have to see if I can come up with something.

Here's a song for today:
Into It. Over It. - No Good Before Noon

Thanks for reading guys and check below for more manicures!

-Marisa! (: