Hello lovelies!
I mentioned last week that I had launched a new site called Polish Those Nails. It started as my Senior Thesis project but I want to continue working on it, but I can't keep up with running Hey, Darling Polish! and Polish Those Nails. At first, I was hesitant to combine the two but I think that it's for the best. So, from now on, I'll be blogging over at Polish Those Nails! I'm still going to be doing my nail art and blogging like usual, but my goal is to start writing different content that is more than just my usual ramblings about life haha (trust me you'll still be getting that!) The new site will have tutorials, articles about nail care and what not, and I'm hoping to start featuring guest writers (please get in contact with me if you're interested in posting!)
I'm currently in the process of moving all of my content over and updating social media accounts. Please bear with me while I try and get this all figured out. I'm aiming to have a blog post up on Monday, so see you over at Polish Those Nails!
mercurialmagpie 47p · 515 weeks ago