Sunday, August 25, 2013

New! Weekly Recap 8/18-8/24

Hello everyone!

So, I finally came up with an idea for Sundays! I decided to do a weekly recap, this is where I'll just talk about anything that happened on the blog for the past week and just kind of ramble (I'm good at that, trust me!) I know The Lacquerologist (Week in Reviews) and some other blogs do it, and I think it's a great idea so I hope you enjoy!

Here's this weeks:

This week was my first full week of blogging! Can I celebrate my one week anniversary? Is that a thing? Haha

I think this first week has been fun! I tried out two techniques that were new to me, both of which I fell in love with and will be seen again on the blog. I think this blog is really helping me with pushing my nail art and even with my time management. I've been trying really hard to stay on top of editing/posting/writing/publishing posts, hopefully this will continue and I'll be able to handle the blog with my schoolwork.

Thank you to everyone who has either followed the blog or even just took the time to read one post, it means a ton!

Here's a song for your enjoyment:

Hey Monday - Homecoming

-Marisa (:

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