Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blogger Friendship Award!

Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!

I'm back today with another post! WHAT?! Wasn't I just complaining about having too much homework to do about 2 hours ago? Yeah, well, I work better when under pressure (hence why I always wait till the last minute to do my work). OR I'm just really good at procrastinating and starting this blog has given me a justifiable reason to procrastinate. You're pick (;

Rant aside! I was nominated for another award! This time it was the Blogger Friendship Award and I was nominated by Lucy from The Nail Snail! Make sure to check her out!

I guess the rules of this is to just 7 little known facts and then nominate 7 bloggers at the end? If not, sorry, but uhm yeah! Let's go!

  1. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm currently writing this post rather then writing my 10 page paper that I need to finish so I can write my 10 minute presentation due Monday! WOO!
  2. I drink a ton of coffee and am always looking for new, little coffee shops. 
  3. I don't really like watching movies, I'd much rather marathon a season of a tv show. The last movie that I really liked was Now You See Me.
  4. I have an online shopping problem (:
  5. I love old, tacky floral prints/patterns.
  6. I hate wearing sneakers. There's snow on the ground right now and I'm still wearing ballet flats.
  7. I listen to a lot of different music, anything from hardcore to pop punk to alternative indie rock. 
And now for my nominations! This part is still hard haha.

  1. Brethil from Druid Nails
  2. Laura from Lucky Lucky Lacquer
  3. Jayna from The Sequined Nail
  4. HG Nail Design
  5. Glam-Madam
  6. Kim from A Polished Addiction
  7. Emily from An Accent Nail
Thanks for reading guys! Hope you're ready for the last week of the 33 Day Challenge!

-Marisa! (:


  1. *hugs* Thanks for the nomination sweetie! I'll look into this award thing later this week when I have my 33DC posts settled ;)

    1. Oh you're welcome! And yeah, this week is rough with school and the challenge for me, ugh haha

    2. A bit late, but I finally have my post up:

  2. Thanks girl for the nomination! Am working on posting now. Week seems so full!

    1. Oh no problem! I meant to tell everyone but caught up with school work haha! I can't wait to read it (:
