Monday, June 23, 2014

The Never Ending Pile Challenge: Brown

Ello lovelies!

How was everyone's weekend? I'm excited to have a day off from work today. I've been slacking on painting my nails lately so it's all I plan on doing today!....and possibly color my hair, maybe, we'll see about that one....

Anywho, onto the nails!
nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, indie polish, doctor who, 10th doctor, rose, brown, the never ending pile challenge, tgpnpc

More Doctor Who nails! :D

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, indie polish, doctor who, 10th doctor, rose, brown, the never ending pile challenge, tgpnpc

Here's what I used:

My untried brown polish for today is Lucky 13 Lacquer's Oh Yes! I knew that I had to do some Doctor Who / 10th Doctor nail art to accompany it.

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, indie polish, doctor who, 10th doctor, rose, brown, the never ending pile challenge, tgpnpc

My index and pinky fingers show 3 coats of Oh Yes! on its own. I decided to do one nail for Rose and one nail for the Doctor. My Rose nail was my recreation of Missy from Gnarly Gnails's Rose nail from the nails she did for the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who! And the Doctor's outfit is inspired from this photo.

nails, nail art, nail polish, polish, indie polish, doctor who, 10th doctor, rose, brown, the never ending pile challenge, tgpnpc

The 10th doctor is probably my favorite doctor even though I really do love 9, 10, and 11. But my favorite season is when 10 and Rose are together so that's what inspired the nails. I really need to get caught up on the last season before it comes back on!

Here are the remaining themes for the challenge!

And a song for today:
10th Doctor's Theme

Thanks for reading guys!

-Marisa! (: